I Forget You
Every day I will forget you
Turn back the clock on love
I regret too
Time on my hands is a
juggling act
A clown at the circus
Jokers arrive in packs
Spiders weave their web
An apple falls from the tree
Maturity heals a broken
The sun will rise on another
Certain things you can
always trust
But memory doesn’t depend on
If ever you see my face
along a crowded street
Catch my glimpsed reflection
in a bright shop window
Consider it a trick of the
light and keep walking
That girl on the road who
shares your hairstyle
Those rippling sunbeams
that reflect your smile
A soft voice on the train
echoing your laughter
And fleeting silhouettes
that mirror your profile
None of them remind me of
what was possible
I’ve no more remembrance of
a lingering touch
No recollection from days we
gently embraced
Nor any saved mementos since
to gather dust
If you ever feel the shadow
of me passing near
A draught of familiar air
brushes past your shoulders
Don’t think of coincidence and
just keep talking
Memories don’t always depend
on facts
Certain things you can
usually trust
The sun rises at the break
of day
Maturity silences broken
Apples drop from their tree
Spiders spin deadly webs
And jokers top the stack
Clowns rule the circus
While time on my hands is a
juggling act
Turn back the clock on love
I regret too
Every day I will forget you
* * *